Thursday, March 27, 2008


A canine of impeccable taste and high breeding, its hard to believe Miss. Marble was once a wayward urchin combing the streets of the city’s elite. Only a year ago, our fledgling aficianado was found wandering the back alleys of the Upper West Side, nosing around the trashbins of 5-star restaurants, and sniffing out gourmet bistros before she could lose her babyteeth. Gwenny Deets discovered the prestigious pooch at the local ASPCA, and knew on the spot she was destined for Astoria greatness. We never could figure out why she spoke in that lofty British accent of hers...I always assumed it was the beagle in her, though she’ll never admit she’s anything but a bonafide connoisseur of life. Marble is the ultimate authority on what’s hot and what’s not. Watch out for her pawprints of approval, and her column “MARBLE SAYS…”