Sunday, April 6, 2008


Though a good idea in theory, Buffalo Exchange doesn't quite live up to its overhyped expectations. If your intention is selling, make sure to bring only "in season" clothing, which means the clothing you'd wear during whatever season is three months ahead. For example, BE accepts only spring and summer looks from January onward. This is slightly counter-intuitive, since you typically clean out your closets post-season. Also be sure your clothing is clean and in pristine condition. No stains, no pilling, no snags. Design flaws such as uneven seams or faded colors are grounds for rejection. While they claim to purchase basics, I noticed they shy away from conservative, All-American outlets like The Gap, Express or J. Crew. While they'll snap up designer finds like candy, they're not adverse to buying knockoffs like Forever 21 or Old Navy. It may take several attempts before you figure exactly what brand of oddball attire they're looking for. I suggest taking a moment to study their clientle, and it should be fairly clear to you. If you're buying, plan on spending aproximately $25 a pop for a sweatshirt or tee, with especially trendy items going for more. It's not difficult to rack up a high bill in this place. While the selection is huge, I prefer the paired down array of carefully chosen pieces at Lovday 31 any day of the week. In conclusion, I happily give it: